To qualify for assistance from the Victims of Crime Tribunal (VOCAT), you must be a victim of an act of violence and have suffered physical or mental injury as a result of that act.

Here are the types of violence covered:

  • Assault

  • Assault and Robbery

  • Armed Robbery

  • Aggravated Burglary

  • Sexual Assault / Childhood Sexual Abuse

  • Domestic Violence

  • Stalking

  • Deprivation of Liberty

  • Threats to Harm or Kill

  • Dangerous Driving / Culpable Driving

  • Conduct Endangering Life

Secondary Victims

Crime can also impact witnesses and family members of the direct victim. These secondary victims may also be eligible to apply for crime assistance and compensation.

Reporting to Police

The crime must be reported to the police within a reasonable timeframe. While the police do not need to arrest anyone or lay charges, they must verify that a crime has occurred. If the crime was not reported to the police, special circumstances must be demonstrated.

Time Limits

The crime must have occurred within the last 2 years. If you are applying outside this period, you must request an extension of time. This often applies to cases of childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence, though it is not limited to these. Applications for crimes outside the 2-year limit may still be considered.